“You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.” Johnny Depp

Have you ever seen something so unthinkable, you wished it could be erased from your mind as if you never saw it? Well, that is exactly the first reaction of second grade teacher, Krysten Case, when she heard about the human trafficking happening in her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. In that Ohio County approximately 1,200 women are arrested each year for solicitation. Over 92% are identified as victims of human sex trafficking — first trafficked for sex at the average age of 13 through force, fraud, or coercion. It is easy to close our eyes but it is happening all over our country, in every state. At first, Krysten spent a lot of time trying to forget about human trafficking for about a year, but various things about it kept popping back up into her world until she knew she had to open her eyes.

Many of us when we hear about terrible situations we close our eyes, but not Krysten. She researched to find out the facts and was deeply moved by the stories of the women enslaved by human trafficking. She had not realized human trafficking was happening in the United States, we tend to think of it as an over-seas problem. She also learned about Freedom ala Cart. Krysten states, “This non-profit organization helps the human trafficking survivors restore, rebuild, and begin their lives as the women they were made to be. The work they do is incredible. No one else has the model they have…walking women from their very first step into CATCH court, all the way to gaining their permanent independence, establishing employment, and reuniting with their children and families.” (CATCH stands for Changing Actions To Change Habits. It’s a special docket court created by Judge Paul Herbert in Columbus, Ohio. See catchcourt.org to find out more.)

When God whispered in her ear; Krysten knew she had to do something. She knew she couldn’t eradicate it and she knew what she could do was only a drop in the bucket. Many times the problem seems so huge we don’t see where we fit in; so we don’t try. However, God gave Krysten a picture of the jewelry she was to make, a metal circle with “free” stamped in it. She had no idea how to create it, but Krysten and her husband found a way to do it and FancyFreedomDesigns was born.

The funny thing about being only a drop in the bucket, the drops accumulate and become something greater, just like those buckets at water parks that accumulate water and when full enough, they tip over to cool off the willing swimmers with a big splash.

With every piece of jewelry worn, one more person becomes aware and they can then share the story and more drops are added into the bucket. With every piece sold more money is donated and another survivor is helped.

I am proud to present Krysten Case with this month’s Caring Heart Award for her determination to be a positive force for human trafficking survivors, just by taking small steps toward making a difference. Krysten opened her eyes and became an inspiration to us all, because if a second grade teacher can make a difference why can’t we all? Thank you, Krysten, for you dedication, passion and courage. If everyone put in a drop, the bucket would spill even faster. Just think what could be accomplished.

In Krysten’s words, “We are all here on this planet for a reason. We have things to do, people to influence and to inspire, a difference to make somewhere, somehow in this world. There are so many things in the world that need attention, time, money, solutions. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed by this. Not every problem is meant for you to fix or solve. Keep an eye open for the things that tug at your heart over and over. Listen closely to those small nudges toward the same thing again and again. If you’re a praying person, ask God to help show you which solution you need to become a part of. When you land on it, this is your bucket, so to speak. Once you find it, start putting as many drops in as you can! (And if you aren’t sure what it is yet…start putting drops in any bucket for now…Just start small and keep going. You’ll figure it out.”)

So, do you Fancy Freedom? Then show it by wearing or giving a unique piece of jewelry, and help fight modern-day slavery.  Why not shop Krysten’s store?  She does great custom work.  I love my bracelet!

Do you know someone that deserves a Caring Heart award?

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at info@LiveKinder.com  I love hearing your kindness stories.  Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at www.LiveKinder.com or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!