No one is more cherished in this world than someone that lightens the burden of another.   Joseph Addison


Congratulations to this month’s Caring Heart Award winner, Janet Weber.   The Caring Heart Award is given to ordinary people that demonstrate every day kindness.

Life has not always been easy for Janet.  Her first marriage was difficult due to her husband’s alcoholic abuse which necessitated a divorce. Janet had to find a way to support herself and her two children ages two and four.  She moved in with her parents, learned to drive and found a job.  Later she discovered the love of her life and married him.  Unfortunately, seven months later he had a massive heart attack and died. She moved back with her parents and uncle and stayed with them until her two children finished college. Not long after, her mother passed away leaving Janet to care for her elderly father and uncle for many years, while working full time and welcoming her first grandchildren into their family.   As her aunts and uncles aged, Janet was there to drive them to appointments cemetery visits, and assist with business issues.  She was always available to help family and friends. You really can’t control what life throws at you but you can control how you react to it. As Janet’s daughter, Dawn, states, “Janet is strong and resilient.”

As her sister-in-law, Elaine, states, “Janet through it all continued to be the best Aunt to my sons and a supportive friend to me through my troubled times.  Janet has been so kind to me and my family and a long list of others throughout her life. To list all she has done for us would make a book.  As I suffered through an illness, she sat in my hospital room with another dear friend night and day, every day for a month.  Janet never complains, she only gives help and love.  Janet acts with love and compassion.”

As the Bible states; “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”  We can look at family requests as obligations or as opportunities to reflect and spread God’s Love. Kristina, who is married to Janet’s grandson, states that she will drop everything to do a kind deed for someone else to make their life a little easier, no matter how big or small.  Janet truly has a servant’s heart.

Janet has four grandchildren.  She has watched, participated and loved them through their growing years and college.  I love that as each child graduated and entered the full time working world, she would support them the first year out of school by doing their laundry and ironing for them.  How sweet is life when Grandma takes that one grown up chore off your plate while you learn a job.  What a wonderful way for her to build a connection with each grandchild.

The effort we put in to bring happiness to others is truly the beginning of a happier and content life for us.  To a Servant Heart, nothing brings more joy than helping others. Kristina also described Janet as, “Fun-loving – Jan loves to laugh, especially with her grandchildren who make her laugh the most”.  It is the everyday moments that bring Janet joy.

Irene, Jan’s friend, was asked to describe Janet in two words.  Her answer was, “My two words would be ‘valuable’ because I can’t imagine her not being my friend, and ‘kind-hearted’ because that is who she is. I feel it is an honor being in her life.”

What two words would your family and friends use to describe you?


Thanks to Elaine for nominating her sister-in-law for a Caring Heart Award.   If you know someone that deserves to be recognize for their everyday kindness. Please drop us an e-mail.

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at  I love hearing your kindness stories.  Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!