First of all, I have the deepest gratitude for the medical professional workers and other essential workers who every time they open the door to their employment are risking getting infected with COVID-19 and the possibility of death.  I can’t imagine how scared they must feel. 

Then, there are the people that are bored, which I have trouble understanding, because I have never been bored a single day of my life.  I am so grateful for the gift of time, the gift of being home and safe. Having had a job where I never seemed to have enough time, it feels so luxurious to not be rushed to finish anything.

 I decided some people concentrate on what they can’t do and what they can’t have while others concentrate on what they do have.   There are always people who always find ways to help whether it is sewing masks (I made 26 so far) or picking up a package at Walmart for a friend that can’t drive.  My neighbor, Mary, power washed her neighbor’s driveway because Mary needed something to do.  Now is a great time to make greeting cards, or to send letters and photos to family members, or find new ways to connect.  Now is a great time to try new recipes and make those recipes that you never seem to have enough time to make, for example, homemade olive bread or the apple pancake pictured.   I have found reading books about worse times in history aids in putting the pandemic in perspective.  I am grateful my husband and I can walk every day in isolation and talk to our neighbors in their driveways from afar.  I am grateful that spring is here with its warmth. What a great time to take a University class for free (See  What a great time to clean out drawers and reorganize your kitchen.  What a great time to find joy in the bluebird singing outside your window. Many of my artist friends are busy creating masterpieces.  Please don’t squander this gift of time. 

The gift of time is a precious gift don’t waste it on wishing it is different.  Wake each morning with a song in your heart and with joy for the day’s possibilities and please pray for those risking their lives to provide essentials for all of us.  Please say a prayer for my daughter and nurses everywhere; I will be so appreciative.  Above all, please stay safe.

Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at  I love hearing your kindness stories. Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook!