One of the benefits of this year’s cold spring is enjoying my daffodil blossoms for over a month. It is so miraculous how the daffodil bulbs know it is time to bloom each spring. They look so cheerful, a true harbinger of spring. A quote by Jorge Luis Borges comes to mind: “Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden and decorate your soul.”  It made me think about how some people just bloom in happiness and others just don’t.

  1. There are people that generate happiness. Just like the daffodils, they will bloom year after year bringing love and beauty into the world. They don’t rely on chance or other people; they make the world a more colorful, happy place. It does take time for happiness to blossom and to have miracles. Sometimes the flower is the miracle.  Sometime it is the giving of the flower.  People with internally generated happiness easily reflect this happiness.
  2.   There are people that just do not have happiness in their life. They rather spend their energy on judging, complaining on what is wrong in the world. They do not realize if they give happiness they will have more happiness than they ever thought possible. They easily see only the bad in others, since that is what they feel inside.  “Poor me I have no daffodils.”
  3. There are also people who wait to get their happiness from others.  They will wait to be given daffodils and will be upset if they don’t get them.  They think happiness is derived from their environment and not from their own inner hearts and inner work.

Of course our hearts don’t always live in just one place, but what a happier world it would be if we held more happiness is our hearts. What does happiness have to do with kindness? Everything! My premise is if you are consumed with your own negativity and constant complaining, it is difficult to be kind to others. Go pick some daffodils this spring and spread the joy.


Staying in Touch: Barbara Hirsh can be reached at  I love hearing your kindness stories.  Please sign-up for almost weekly kindness message at or follow LiveKinder on Facebook! 

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